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Room 452 Page 5
Room 452 Read online
Page 5
He splashes some back and I squeal. “Hey!”
He wraps his arms around me, and then dunks me under the water. I laugh as I gasp for air, and I grab onto his shoulders and climb up his body as I wrap my legs around his waist. “No fair. I lose all muscle functions when I’m drunk.”
He laughs as he grips my hips harder. “Well good thing we didn’t try to fuck then, huh?”
I lean all my weight on my hands on his shoulders and push his head under the water. He probably could have resisted, but he lets me dunk him fully. When he pops back up, he grabs onto me and floats us over to the waterfall fountain. He pulls us through it until it is just me and him and the running water around us.
I wrap my arms around his neck and smile. “I see why you’ve used this move before. Very nicely done.”
He smirks and then runs his tongue along the water on my shoulder and up my neck. “I’m going to kiss you now.” He whispers in my ear.
He leans forward, closing the small gap between us until his lips press up against mine. It’s barely a ghost of a kiss as his lips move ever so slightly over mine. He pulls back an inch and then leans forward again.
This time I run my fingers up into his hair, and he deepens the kiss. I tangle my tongue with his as he digs his fingertips into my sides. I pull away when I hear voices coming from outside the fountain.
I pull away fully and swim back out and see about ten guys walking up to the pool. I glance back at Sawyer who just emerged from under the waterfall. I open my eyes wide. “Did I just win the lottery?” I joke as the various men begin undressing into their swim trunks.
I get splashed as a couple guys jump in. One of the more rowdy ones comes up next to me. “Sorry if we are disturbing your little romantic moment, but this man is getting married!” He shouts as he puts the man next to him in a headlock. This must be some kind of bachelor party.
He turns back toward us. “C’mon, chicken fight!” He shouts.
I throw my head back and laugh. I turn toward Sawyer and push his shoulders down until he lowers enough for me to wrap my legs around the back of his neck. “You’re on!” I put on my best game face.
Seven rounds later of me sinking the last guy, I’m deemed the chicken fight champion. Little do they know that I just shove my boobs in their face until they are distracted enough to tip them to the side. It helps that most of these guys are even more trashed than myself.
The first guy that asked us to play, Harry, picks me up in the water and spins me around. “If I’d known you were so good, I wouldn’t have suggested we play.” He jokes as he swims me around with me on his back.
I get whipped off his back and onto another guy’s, and I laugh as I get dragged over to the other guys. “Oh you guys are trouble.”
I land on my feet next to one of the particularly sexy ones. I grin up at him. “So are you all the settling down type or are some of you still down for a random hookup?”
He chuckles as his eyes twinkle down at me. “I don’t know.” He smirks. “I think some might be open to the idea. Maybe if they at least knew the girl’s name.” He winks.
I smile back at him, and I walk my finger up his chest. “Oh you’re fun. What’s your name?”
He leans back against the pool wall. “Kyle. Are you still not going to tell me yours?”
I ignore his question. “Kyle? So are you one of those tool Kyles or are you an exception to the stereotype?”
He leans forward to whisper in my ear. “Definitely the tool type.”
I pull back and smile up at him. “Just what I wanted to hear.”
I try to lean forward to kiss him, but arms wrap around my waist and pull me back. I feel hot breath on my ear. “How about you cool off in the hot tub with me?” Sawyer grits through his teeth.
I laugh as he drags me backwards. “How would a hot tub cool me off?”
He picks me up like I weigh nothing and walks up the pool steps and over to one of the hot tubs next to the pool. “I’m not letting you use me as foreplay for one of these fuckers.” He says as he sets me down in the hot water and places his arm around my shoulders, staking his claim on me in front of the guys.
I flutter my lashes at him and smirk. “Oh but baby, I already gave out my number to five of them. The moment you’re back in your room, one of them will replace you.”
His arm slides behind my back into the water, and his fingers grip onto my side. He leans closer to me, so that his voice rumbles in my ear. “Try to replace me. I dare you.”
Even though we are in the hot tub, I feel shivers run up my spine. I don’t know if that’s what Sawyer meant by cooling off, but I am more turned on than before. I turn to face him with a scowl on my face. “What’s your game here?” I scooch away further so I can look him right in the face. “We obviously aren’t going to fuck, so why are you determined to ruin my sex life?”
He raises his arms up and places his hands behind his head as leans back and smirks at me. “Because it’s fun.”
I stare harder, and he adds on. “Are you always this horny? Or do I just bring it out of you?”
I float back and lean against the hot tub wall across from him. “If you must know, I don’t have time to find men that often back at home since I work so much. I was planning on getting my fill this week if you know what I mean, but instead I just keep getting cockblocked over and over for no fucking reason.”
He laughs at my misery. “Fuck yes. That’s even better than I thought. Now you are going to be a crazy B at the office. I thought I was just messing up your week, not your whole fucking weird sex schedule for the year.”
I narrow my eyes at him. “Why are you wasting your time? I’m sure there’s plenty of girls here that will lower their standards and sleep with you.”
He gives me a wicked smile. “Well, unlike you, I have no problem getting any back at home, and besides, this is way more satisfying than any lay.”
I raise an eyebrow at him. “It wouldn’t be more satisfying than a lay with me.”
He cocks his head to the side. “Maybe if you were on your knees.”
I smile back because he doesn’t realize I can’t be slut shamed. “I don’t mind being on my knees, Sawyer.” I lick my lips as I run my eyes down his chest.
Before he can respond, Kyle sits down next to me in the hot tub. “So this is where you snuck off to?” He smiles at me.
Sawyer gives him a death glare. “Fuck off, dick.”
I open my eyes wide because even in my drunk state, I know those are fighting words. “Sawyer.” I whisper-shout over to him in warning.
He stands in the tub, and Kyle turns toward him. “What did you say?”
I can feel the tension rising in the air, so I stand as well to try to stop this. Sawyer starts talking again before I get the chance. “Why don’t you turn back around and head back to your frat party. The grown ups are talking here.”
I feel Kyle’s body moving forward toward Sawyer, so my body’s instincts take over as I reach out and grab his arm to stop him. He turns and looks down at me, and I give a nervous chuckle. “Sorry. We’ve been drinking too much.”
His face softens as he looks at me, and he whispers but loud enough for Sawyer to hear. “Is he bothering you? Do you need us to get rid of him?”
I see Sawyer roll his eyes in the background, but I just ignore him. “No. Thanks though. Unfortunately, he belongs to me.” I snarl over toward Sawyer.
I look back up at Kyle and give him a flirty smile. “We’re getting out of here now. Text me later?”
Before Kyle can respond, Sawyer pulls my arm, and starts walking us toward the steps. “Don’t fucking text her.” He sneers at Kyle.
I giggle and make my fingers into a phone shape and mouth, “Call me,” into my hand back at Kyle as Sawyer continues to pull me out.
“Where to now?” I giggle again as we walk back to the hotel.
“Your fucking room.” He says angrily.
I laugh again. “Your words are sexy, but tha
t tone isn’t really putting me in the mood.”
He glances back at me. “Good.” He grumbles. “Because you’re going to fucking sleep off this alcohol before I do something I’m going to regret.”
He pulls me into the elevator, and I laugh. “Like what?”
He narrows his eyes at me. “Like getting put in a Mexican prison for getting into a fight with a guy over a girl I don’t even get to sleep with.”
I smile at him as the elevator rides up to my floor. “Aw, you must really care about me then.” I mock.
He smirks back at me. “You fucking act like a little brat again when we’re both sober, and I won’t let you leave until you’ve been fucked back into your place.”
I giggle as I walk out of the opening elevator doors. “And what place is that?”
He follows me as I walk backward towards my room. “The place where you just regular-hate me instead of this driving me crazy, sexy hate me.”
I laugh as I stick my key in the lock. “You started this game, not me.”
He places his hand on the door frame and leans up against my back. “I’m not the one who snuck into your room in the middle of the night in nothing but fucking tiny little panties. Jesus.” He steps back and wipes his hand down his face.
I turn and cross my arms over my chest. “That would have been a sight to see.”
He smirks at me. “Don’t put ideas in my head.”
I laugh and turn and walk into my room. I try to close the door, but his hand stops it. “Oh no you don’t. I’m not leaving you until you are fast asleep.”
I let him follow me in. I walk into the bathroom and halfway close the door as I get out of my wet suit and into some pajamas. “You do know that I can just wake up after I fall asleep and invite one of the guys over?” I shout through the door.
I hear him laugh. “I have confidence that once you’re out tonight, you’ll be out for the whole night.”
I crack the door open and walk out in my pjs and plop down on my bed. I wiggle under the covers and Sawyer just stares at me. “So what exactly are you planning on doing now?” I ask.
He nods toward the bathroom. “I’m taking a shower.”
He walks into the bathroom, and I hear the shower water turn on, followed by his swim shorts being flung out the bathroom door. I roll my eyes and laugh. “You know I’m not about to sneak into the shower with you!” I shout from my bed.
His laugh echoes with the acoustics of the bathroom shower, and the sound is so cute that it brings a stupid grin to my face. No wonder this guy is so good at sales. I hate the man and I still find him charming.
He shouts back. “You better be asleep by the time I get out of here or I really will sneak into your bed!”
I smile and lay back on my pillow. My eyelids do actually feel heavy. I’m surprised I lasted this long. I glance at the clock and see it’s almost three in the morning. My eyes flutter shut, and I feel a heaviness come over me as I pull the blanket up my body more. I slowly drift off to the sound of the bathroom shower running in the background.
Chapter 3
I am jolted awake by my phone alarm. I reach over to my nightstand without opening my eyes, and I try to press a button until the noise stops. I groan as I roll away from the window that has the sun shining in. Fuck. I have the hangover from hell.
I finally get enough motivation to get up when I feel my throat is dry as a desert. I push myself up and walk over to the mini fridge and pull out a water bottle. I chug the whole thing in one go, and then I grab another one and walk back to the bed and plop down.
I look over to the clock on the nightstand and see it’s 11 a.m. already. Luckily, my dad always knows that the last night is usually the heaviest partying, so he always makes sure we have a late check out and a later flight.
I move my eyes down, and that’s when I see the note sitting on the nightstand. I pick it up as I lean back on my bed. I flip it open and read it.
Thanks for the amazing fuck last night. I’ll never forget it.
I pause and blink a couple of times as everything that happened last night floods through my mind. I didn’t sleep with Sawyer. No. Fuck, I didn’t sleep with him, did I?
I move my eyes back to the note to re-read when I notice the P.S.
P.S. Turn the note over.
I quickly flip to the other side of the note to continue reading.
Fucking got you. I knew you’d second guess your memory from last because you were fucking trashed. Just like I told you you were every time you threw yourself at me last night.
I roll my eyes even though he technically was correct about me second guessing my memory, but that was only for a second. I would have come to my senses eventually, and I did not throw myself at him last night.
I check my phone and the first thing I see is a picture message from “Fuckface.” I groan as I debate on whether or not I should open this. I finally build up enough courage and brace myself as I click on the message to view the photos.
There before my eyes are about five or six photos of me completely passed out with my mouth hanging open all with Sawyer in a bunch of different poses. I look up at the ceiling and groan again. Oh c’mon! Can I not catch a break?
I quickly shower and throw on some clothes so I don’t miss the shuttle to the airport. I throw on a pair of sunglasses to block the sun, and I don’t even bother putting on any makeup. There probably wouldn’t be much of a point since I am sporting yoga pants and a baggy hoodie.
I throw my last few toiletries into my suitcase, and then I head out to the hall and into the elevator. I press the lobby floor, but it stops on floor four for people to get in. The moment the doors slide open, I feel annoyance enter my body. Fucking Sawyer.
He smirks at me as he enters the elevator. Somehow he doesn’t even look hungover at all. He stands beside me and glances over with just his eyes. “Rough night?” He asks jokingly.
I think I actually growl at him. “How the fuck are you in the elevator right now? Were you just waiting there all morning until I eventually came down?” I ask bitterly.
He chuckles. “The look on your face was worth the wait.”
I turn and face him fully. “I want those photos gone. As in no trace of them.”
He turns and cocks an eyebrow at me. “Make me.”
Before I can respond the elevator doors pop open, and unfortunately, the lobby is full of people, including people from the company since the shuttle is about to arrive for the airport. I try to compose myself as I walk away from him. Best to just avoid him so I don’t make a scene.
I see my dad and walk over to him. He smiles at me. “Hey sweetie, did you have fun?”
It’s not my dad’s fault I had to deal with Sawyer issues all week, so I smile back. “Of course! It was amazing!”
He nods his head over toward Sawyer. “I see you and Sawyer are together again.” He says the statement more as a question.
I groan. “The fucker won't leave me alone.”
My dad laughs. “There’s actually something I need to talk to you about. It involves the two of you.”
I open my eyes in surprise. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Before my dad can answer, his business partner Gary walks up to him, and they start talking about some business emergency. I can tell it won’t be a quick matter, so I grab my suitcase and wheel it over to the shuttle that just pulled up.
I take the first seat so that I don’t have to wait for everyone to get off the shuttle when we get to the airport. I close my eyes and lean my head back against the seat. I don’t think I’ll be able to fall asleep, but closing my eyes helps ease the headache throbbing in my skull.
“How’s that head?” I hear Sawyer’s voice in my ear.
I pop my eyes open and glare at him from behind my sunglasses. “No. No way! Go find another seat!”
Instead of listening, he gets comfy in his seat. “Oh c’mon buddy. Don’t be like that.”
I am not letting
his charm get to me today now that I’m sober. “You are not my buddy.”
He laughs. “You wound me Blake, but I meant plane buddies. Might as well get used to sitting next to me now. It’s going to be a fun flight.”
I turn fully toward him, and he has the dumbest grin on his face. I somehow know I’m going to regret my next words. “That’s not possible. I assigned the seats myself. You are on the opposite side of the plane.” I clench my teeth. “I made sure.”
His smile grows. “Ahh...yes I was.”
“Was?” I ask.
He smirks at me and crosses his leg over his knee. “Yup. I spent the whole week after I found your ticket stub in your room that first night looking for your seat buddy.”
I stare angrily at the driver’s seat in front of me. Rachel. That bitch. How could she betray me like this? Sawyer’s seat was in the back of the plane, so I know she wouldn’t have just given it up out of the goodness of her heart.
I turn back toward him. “How’d you convince her?”
He cocks an eyebrow and chuckles almost nervously. “You really want to know?”
I make a disgusted noise. “God no. You’re so gross.”
He laughs harder. “Me? What about you?”
“What about me?” I challenge.
He leans in closer. “You were the one who was willing to take, what was it? Five? Six different guys to your room last night?”
I roll my eyes. “That’s different.”
He gives me a smug smile. “Do tell.”
I cross my arms over my chest. “That would have been for mutual pleasure. I wasn’t using my body to pay for something. That would make me cheap.” I pop the “p” in cheap and smile back at him.
He doesn’t take the bait. “You really think those tools would have been able to pleasure you?” He asks condescendingly.
I don’t take the bait either. I’m not falling for his “only I could give you pleasure” bullshit line that I know is coming. I just shrug my shoulders. “I don’t have difficulty climaxing if that’s what you’re asking. I know what I need, and I know how to get it.”