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Room 452 Page 3
Room 452 Read online
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“Hey Blake, mind if I steal a drink from your mini fridge?” I pull apart from Todd and glare daggers back at Sawyer.
He throws up his hands. “Oh sorry. Didn’t mean to interrupt.” He walks back into my room.
I turn back toward Todd, and he gives me a sympathetic smile. “I’ll let you handle this. We have all week, right?”
I give him a small smile, and then he turns and walks away. I clench my fists at my side, trying to rein in my rage. It doesn’t help.
I turn back around and march angrily toward my room. I burst through the door. “Sawyer!” He looks at me with wide eyes. “What the fuck was that?” I scream.
He smiles then as he pours himself a drink. “What was what?”
I feel my anger rising. “What do you mean what? You fucking tried to make it look like we were together!”
His smile grows. “We were together.”
I let out a frustrated noise. “What the fuck happened to guaranteeing I get off?” I shout back.
He raises an eyebrow at me. “Do you want me to help you finish that?”
“Why did you text Todd if you were just going to run him off-.” I pause and open my eyes wide as realization comes to me. “No! You motherfucker! You fucking knew he was going to come here when you were still here! You fucking set me up for this!”
He doesn’t deny it, but instead steps closer to me. “Let me make it up to you. I can fill in.” He tries to reach forward for me.
I step back. “Don’t you dare try to fucking touch me!” I yell. “Get out!”
He tries one of his charming smiles on me. “C’mon Blake. Let’s be reasonable.”
“Get. The. Fuck. Out.” I seeth.
He tries again. “They’ll be here any second with the key. Let’s not be rash.”
“Rash?” I scream. “Rash!” I yell louder. I use all my strength and push against his body. “Get the fuck out of my room!”
He doesn’t really fight me as he walks backwards toward the door. “Okay. Okay. I can see you’re upset. We can work this out. I’m sure I can find a way to make that anger advantageous for the both of us.”
“Ugh!” I scream again. “Sawyer. Get it through your head. We are not sleeping together. Not now. Not ever.”
A knock sounds on my door, and I blow out a harsh breath to try to calm myself down. I step around Sawyer and open the door. The man hands me the room key, and I thank him and he leaves.
I turn back around and look at Sawyer. “Here. Now leave.”
He grabs the key and smirks at me. “You know where to find me if you change your mind.” He pauses. “You still have your key or should I wait for a knock?”
I roll my eyes. “You think you’d still be here if I had a key to your room?” I shove my hands in my bathrobe pockets, and that’s when I feel the room key that I used to get into his room. My eyes bug open, and I quickly look away so he doesn’t notice.
How on earth did I forget I had the key? Now he’s going to think I purposefully was keeping him here. I try to walk further away from him, but he steps right up next to me and reaches into my bathrobe pocket and pulls the key out and twirls it around his fingers. Fuck, his smile is so smug. “On second thought, I want you to knock. I want to hear you begging to be let in.”
I narrow my eyes at him, but he just winks as he walks backwards toward the door and then he’s gone. I walk over to the door and put the chain lock in. I lean against the door and sigh. What the fuck was tonight?
I reach into my robe and rip off my bra. If I’m not getting laid, I’m at least getting comfy. I see my phone sitting on the nightstand, and I immediately get curious as to what Sawyer texted Todd. I plop down on my bed and open up our text thread, but the message he sent is deleted. Of course. I could ask Todd, but then he’d know it was Sawyer who texted him, and I don’t want to involve him any more than he already has been.
I decide to text Todd anyway.
Me: Sorry about tonight. Can’t wait to redeem that raincheck. What do you have going on tomorrow?
I lean back on my pillow and stare up at the ceiling. I hope I didn’t mess things up too much with Todd. We had a good thing going before Sawyer had to go and mess it all up just like he does with everything.
My phone dings with a text alert, and I reach over to see how Todd responded. Hopefully I didn’t scare him off too much. I read the name on the text, and then I read it again. What? Who is this?
Secret Workplace Lover: I left you a present on your phone so you can finish. I never break my promises.
Me: Who is this?
Secret Workplace Lover: How many rooms did you sneak into tonight that you don’t even know who this is?
Me: I didn’t give you this number.
Secret Workplace Lover: I knew you wanted to though. Are you touching yourself yet?
I stare at my phone with my mouth hanging open. Who the fuck does this guy think he is? I quickly edit the contact to update his name. I don’t need someone accidentally finding that contact name and thinking there’s something going on with us.
Me: I wouldn’t tell you if I was.
Fuckface: Did you find my present yet?
Me: What are you talking about?
Fuckface: Think really hard. I’m sure you can figure it out.
Jesus fuck. This asshole. I take a breath and try to figure out what he’s talking about. It has to be a picture of some sort. I click on my gallery and hold my breath that there isn’t a dick pic waiting for me.
I see the video icon next to a black screen, and I debate on whether or not I should click play. This seems like a bad idea.
Curiosity gets the better of me though, and I can’t help myself. I press the play button. The video moves in slow motion. He must’ve filmed it with that on. I see Sawyer’s hand grab a glass of water in the bathroom, and then the video camera turns around so it is a close up of his chest. His hand slowly moves up with the glass, and then he pours the water down his chest. The slow-mo makes every water droplet show as they run down every ripple and muscle. I feel myself drooling, so I sit up straighter to snap myself out of it.
Me: Ahh so you’re a pornstar now?
Fuckface: Lucky you, getting free content and all.
Me: I’m sure I could afford it. Looks to be very cheap content.
Fuckface: Are you as turned on as I am?
Me: If your dick is shriveled up and limp, then yes, I am equally as turned on as you.
Fuckface: I haven’t been limp since the moment you were all over me on that dance floor.
Me: Sounds like a medical problem. Pop too many of those little blue pills tonight?
Fuckface: You’re my fucking little blue pill. Touch yourself.
Why am I even responding to this fucker? And fuck. Why am I playing with my nipples? Oh fuck it. It’s not like he’ll know what I am doing. I slide my hand down my stomach and dip my fingers into my panties.
Me: You can wank off all you want. Leave me out of it.
Fuckface: I have been since the moment I got back in my room.
Ugh, why is that turning me on so much? I lightly dip my fingers into my wetness, and then I move them back up over my clit where I swirl them around a little.
Fuckface: God. Tell me you’re wet.
Me: Goodnight. Lose this number.
I moan as I close my eyes and imagine Sawyer stroking himself. Hey, just because I hate the man doesn’t mean he isn’t sexy as fuck, and from what I saw earlier, he’s not lacking in that department.
My phone dings again.
Fuckface: You leave me now and I will come back to your room to finish what I started. Touch yourself Blake.
Me: Fuck off! What’s wrong with you?
What’s wrong with me? Fuck, I’m horny. Please keep telling me what to do.
Fuckface: That’s my girl.
Fuckface: I’m so fucking hard. I want you to think about me while you touch yourself.
This fucker. I am thinking about him. Stupid brain. Come on. Come up with s
omeone else to think about.
Oh fuck it. This night has been a shitshow anyway. Might as well finish it off in the worst possible way.
Me: Tell me what you’re doing.
Fuckface: Oh you are such a naughty girl.
Me: That’s not an answer.
I lean back on the bed and wait for him to respond. I press one finger in and then two. I think about how his hands felt on me earlier. How badly I wished those were Todd’s hands with the way he was making me feel. Ugh. Why does he have to be so good at this?
A few minutes pass, and I glance at my phone. No response. Hmm...that’s strange. He’s been responding right away.
Me: Sawyer?
Another few minutes go by, and I already know he’s not going to text back. God. How did I fall for his tricks again? What the fuck is wrong with me?
I finally understand why the girls flock to him the way they do. He makes you feel like you are the most fucking special girl in the world and then leaves you hanging out to dry, panting over him, longing for him, begging for him. Ugh! Motherfucker!
Whatever. I’m not going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that I’ll definitely be thinking about him when I cum. I set my phone back down on the nightstand and use that hand to rub over my clit as my other hand pumps my fingers inside of me.
The angrier I am at Sawyer, the more turned on I get until I am tumbling over the edge so hard. Jesus, usually I can’t make myself cum that hard unless I have my vibrator. What is this man doing to me?
I’m so drained and maybe still a tad tipsy, so I don’t bother getting ready for bed. I lay back against my pillows, and moments later I drift off into a deep sleep.
Chapter 2
I felt nauseated when I woke up, so I quickly showered and threw on some shorts and a tank to head down for breakfast. I need some food to soak up some of the drinks from last night. I slept in, but I’m sure everyone else did too after last night, so I’ll probably still run into some people.
I walk into the breakfast buffet area, and I try to quickly grab some food so I can escape before anyone finds me. After last night, I just want to sneak away to eat in my room and then head down to the beach for the day. Even if this is supposed to be a team bonding experience, I doubt anyone will notice if I sneak away for the day.
I am scooping some fruit onto my to-go plate when I feel someone approach me from behind. They are too close to be a stranger, so I know I’m not going to escape without at least saying hello.
“Hey stranger.” I hear Todd’s voice.
I turn and smile at him. “Hey.”
Neither one of us says anything for a moment, and I am starting to feel uncomfortable. He never texted me back last night, and now I don’t know where things stand between us.
He runs his fingers through his hair and scratches the back of his head. “About last night.”
I glance down at the ground and then back up at him. “Can we just forget about last night? I had a lot to drink, and I wasn’t quite myself.”
He lets out a relieved breath. “Yeah, me too. I shouldn’t have just stopped by like I did. It’s just...well, when you sent that text, I couldn’t help myself.” He smirks at me.
I try to play coy since I still have no idea what Sawyer texted him. “Hm...what text?” I ask, hoping he’ll reveal what I supposably said.
Todd just smiles back at me like he thinks I’m pretending I don’t remember when really I have no idea. He leans his hand on the buffet and gets closer to me. “I hope you don’t want to forget everything about last night. There was a certain kiss I very much remember.”
I actually giggle. “I don’t know. You might need to remind me.”
Suddenly I get pushed back a step. “C’mon guys. You’re hogging all the fruit.”
I can already feel myself fuming. “Do you mind?” I ask angrily.
He looks over at me and then back at the buffet. “You’re the one standing in the way.”
“We were in the middle of something.” I snap back.
Sawyer pops a grape in his mouth. “And now I’m in the middle of you guys.”
I go to step around him, but Todd speaks up. “It’s alright. I’m meeting Keith now. We’re doing jet skis this morning. I’ll catch up with you later?”
I give him my best smile. “Yeah, call me.”
He walks away, and I turn my eyes back to Sawyer and glare at him. “You’re such a cockblock.”
That seems to make him happy, so I roll my eyes and turn to finish scooping my breakfast so I can get out of here. He steps closer to me. “If it’s just cock you want, I’ll be happy to oblige.”
“Leave me alone, Sawyer.” I grumble as I walk over to the mini fridge to grab an orange juice.
He follows me into the hall as I leave the breakfast area. “So how’d it go last night?”
I don’t bother turning to look at him. “Hm...oh you mean with Todd? Oh yeah, he was amazing.”
I take the stairs since I don’t dare risk being stuck in the elevator with Sawyer again, but that doesn’t deter him and he follows behind. He laughs at my attempt to lie. “You weren’t with Todd.”
I glance back at him. “How would you know? Did you plant cameras in my room while you were shooting your porno?”
He smirks at me. “You watched it while you were finishing, didn’t you?”
I walk faster up the steps, and now I’m winded as I reach my floor. I push through the door angrily. “Trust me. If I was doing that, which I wasn’t, you’d be the furthest thing from my mind.”
I insert my keycard into my room and try to shut the door in his face, but he stops it with his hand. I glare at him, but he just smirks back. “I know you were thinking about me. It’s why I didn’t respond last night, so you could have some hate-fucktime with your hand.” He leans closer and lowers his voice. “I imagine you came real hard after you and that cute little angry face of yours thought of every possible way to murder me.” He bites down on his lip as his eyes travel down my body.
I try to keep my face neutral. “Yeah, well that’s exactly what it was. Your imagination. You don’t know anything about me.”
His eyes brighten like he gets more joy every time I try to deny it. “I know you want me.”
I give him a disgusted face. “That’s the opposite of what I want. I can’t stand you. I want you gone.”
He smiles back. “Tell me how you really feel.” He says sarcastically.
“I hate you. Now leave me alone. We both know why you’re here. Let’s not pretend to be friends. You do your job and I’ll do mine.” I try closing the door again, but he stops me.
“Why?” He asks.
I raise an eyebrow at him. “Why what?”
He leans his forearm up against the door frame. “Why do you really hate me? You know how the business works, but you’re taking it personally. Why?”
I huff out a breath. “That’s not how we do business. You played dirty. My family already had enough going on with-...” I pause because that’s none of his business.
He looks over my face like he’s trying to read me. “This is about your mom?” He asks like it’s no big deal.
“That’s none of your business.” I cross my arms across my chest. I don’t know how he heard about my mom, but I certainly am not going to confirm it’s true.
He laughs bitterly. “Seems like it is my business since you are somehow blaming me for Mommy’s drug problems.”
I open my eyes wide. “How dare you.”
Sawyer drops his usual player smile and actually looks angry for once. “Fuck you Blake. You’re not the only person in the world with problems.” Then he turns and walks away.
I stare at the open door frame where he was just moments ago with my mouth hanging open. What in the world just happened? And why do I suddenly feel like the asshole?
I slam the door shut and set my breakfast on the desk and plop down on my bed. I stare up at the ceiling and let out a frustrated s
cream. I need to stay away from the man. He’s messing with my emotions. I need to avoid him for the rest of this trip.
I was able to stay away from Sawyer for the next few days. Most likely due to him not constantly chasing me down since our little scuffle at my hotel room door. I’m still not exactly sure what I said to upset him so much, but he’s kept his distance since then.
Of course I still see him every night at whatever work activity the company had planned, which since my dad helped plan, it is mostly food, music, dancing, and definitely booze. Sawyer still gives me those sexy smirks like he knows all my secrets whenever our eyes connect from across the room, but he hasn’t tried talking to me.
I don’t know why our eyes connect so often though. Well, actually I do, but I don’t know why I can’t stop myself from continually seeking him out all the time. I try to convince myself that it is only because I’m bored.
Todd had to leave on day two because there was an emergency with his dog at home. He texted me that she was fine, but he wasn’t about to pay for a flight back after he already missed two days here. There wouldn’t be much point.
Compared to the first day here, the rest of the trip has been pretty drama free, which should be a good thing, but it’s like I live for the excitement or something because I’m going crazy while Sawyer ignores me like this. I don’t know if he finally got tired of me or if he’s playing another one of his games to make me obsess over him, which is obviously working if that’s the case.
The week has been fine. I laid out by the beach, had some drinks, did some water sports, but I guess because I thought Todd and I were going to get freaky the whole week, I feel like I’m losing my mind. I need to get laid.
Since it’s the last night here, we all went to the public nightclub instead of the employee-only event halls we had rented the rest of the week. I already decided I’m going to find the first hot vacationer or local and take them back to my room tonight. It’s not like I’m in a relationship with Todd, so I’m free to do whatever I want.
I made myself the designated shot girl tonight, starting with my dad so he gets drunk enough to not question my actions tonight. “Here dad!” I hand him the shot glass and we both throw one back.