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Why Did It Have To Be You? Page 10

  “Well, Dean was trying to explain himself still when Brian came down and saw us arguing and apparently his mom texted him about being at the fair. He started asking questions, and Dean kept asking him to leave so we could talk. When Brian questioned why he needed to talk to me, well, Dean kind of lost it. He basically told Brian we both knew he was cheating on me. Suddenly, it was like Brian realized what was going on and went crazy on his dad. He started screaming that Dean fucked his girlfriend, and then he punched him in the face.”

  Ally’s mouth drops open. “Brian punched his dad? What did Dean do?”

  “Well, he wasn’t about to hit his kid back. He just grabbed Brian’s arms to try to calm him down.”

  “Is that when you left?”

  I shake my head. “No. I needed to talk to Brian. We went upstairs and talked everything out. We ended on staying friends.”

  Ally gasps. “Friends? Friends! Why on earth would you be friends with that cheating, asshole, son of bitch?”

  I laugh. “Are you done?”

  “I don’t know. I’m going to keep my anger handy in case you come down from your shock and realize we need to go vandalize his car.” We both laugh.

  “It wasn’t like I thought. He admitted to kissing her the night before my birthday, but he said he regretted it and wanted to make it work. He said things were different once we moved in together, and he wasn’t wrong. We never even had sex once since before my birthday. I don’t know if I told you that. He said he regrets not ending things with me officially before hooking up with Maddison, but it was complicated with both of us living with his dad.”

  “Well as long as you’re okay, I won’t do anything to him too crazy. For now. What’d he have to say about you and Dean.

  I shrug. “He didn’t really say much. I told him it wasn’t about revenge.”

  “So if everything turned out okay, what are you doing here?”

  “I needed to get away from Dean.”

  Ally smiles. “Oh honey. You’ve got it bad for that man.”

  I try not to smile, but I do because she’s right. “He kissed me.” I smile and bite my bottom lip between my teeth thinking about that kiss.

  Ally raises an eyebrow. “Uhm pretty sure you already told me about all the kinky sex. Not exactly news that you’ve kissed.”

  I laugh. “No, I mean he kissed me right before I came over.”

  “I repeat myself. What are you doing here then? You obviously liked it” She motions toward my smiling face.

  “Honestly, I’m not sure. I was so mad at the time, but you sure can make him sound like prince charming.” We laugh.

  “I just needed some time apart to think. Even if his whole wife situation worked out, I don’t know if we could be together. It’s all too complicated.”

  Ally’s face turns serious, and she reaches out and grabs my hand. “Screw complicated. If you like him, and he likes you, then nothing else matters. You should be together.”

  I pull her into a hug, and out of nowhere the tears just start flowing. “I do. I do want to be with him.”

  Ally is crying now too. “Why are we even crying?” We both laugh. “I don’t even know, but I’m glad you’re my best friend.” Ally hugs me tighter. “I’m glad you’re my best friend too.” Then we both cry harder for a minute. After, we both laugh at how dumb we just were, but seriously I love this girl.

  I still have to figure out the whole wife situation with Dean, but I already know tomorrow I’m going to go talk with him. I want to figure things out because I really do want to be with him.

  Just then, the doorbell rings and Jessica walks in with more junk food and wine. Now that I have my mind made up I can just laugh and relax with the girls tonight. It’s exactly what I needed to clear my head.

  Chapter 13


  How did this go from one of the best days of my life to one of the worst? After Caroline left, I took off to Charlie’s bar. I figured Brian needed time to cool off, and I needed a drink. At least Brian stayed up in his room and didn’t storm out. If he was still just as mad, he probably would have left to crash at one of his friends’ places tonight.

  I order a drink from the bartender and ask if Derek is going to be around tonight. I’ve seen her around here a couple times, but I can’t remember her name. She must recognize me enough to know I’m Derek’s friend though because she says. “Yeah, he should be here anytime now. He’s closing up tonight.” I nod and take a sip of my drink.

  The burn of the alcohol feels good going down. Man, tonight was a disaster. First my wife, who’s not really my wife, ruined the perfect day with Caroline, and then I yelled at my son after I’m the one who crossed a line I shouldn’t have. God, I need to apologize to Brian. What kind of dad am I?

  I couldn’t help myself though. It was like all I could see was Caroline. I needed her to understand the whole picture. I needed to protect her. God, the look on her face when Jenny introduced herself. It was like she lost all the trust she had placed in my hands. Like I completely betrayed her while she was still trying to get over what Brian did to her. I need to make this right. I never want to see that look on her face again.

  I glance down at my phone for the millionth time tonight like somehow she will magically get my number and call to talk. I want to check on her, but I don’t have her number either. I don’t know where Ally lives, so it’s not like I can just stroll up and knock on the door. That probably wouldn’t be a good idea even if I did.

  I’ve been half tempted to ask Brian for her number, but she knows how to reach me if she wants to talk and she hasn’t. I'm trying to give her space, but I don’t know how much longer I’m going to last before I break down and do something stupid.

  As if he knew to come save me from my own thoughts, Derek strolls in the bar. “Well look what the cat dragged in?”

  I laugh. “You know just because you own a bar, doesn’t mean you have to use all those bar cliches.”

  He shrugs. “I like to be predictable. That way, when I am unpredictable, it’s even more dramatic.”

  I laugh. "Is that why everyone calls you a drama queen?”

  Derek rolls his eyes. “You have one breakdown in college and suddenly you’re labeled a drama queen for life.” We both laugh.

  Derek has been my best friend since freshman year of college when we shared a dorm room. We both had absent fathers, and so we pretty much could get away with anything. We partied pretty hard the first couple of years, but junior year Derek got serious with his girlfriend. When she decided she wasn’t ready to settle down and wanted to date other people, Derek was a wreck for a week straight. We all gave him shit, but really I felt bad for the guy.

  “I didn’t know Brian was coming in tonight. Why didn’t you say so?”

  I look up at Derek. “What?”

  He just nods over to the door. I look that way and sure enough Brian is walking in.

  He sits on the stool next to me. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” I say back. I’m not exactly sure how he feels about me right now, so I just say. “Let me buy you a drink.”

  “Fuck yeah, you’re going to buy me a drink.” He gives the bartender his order.

  Derek can see there is something going on, so he tells the bartender she can go home now and he’ll take over. “This looks like a situation that needs more alcohol.” He sets down 3 shots of whiskey in front of us, and we all down them.

  Brian slams his shot glass back on the counter. “Yeah did you hear how my dad fucked my girlfriend?”

  Derek chokes on his own spit and starts coughing. “Excuse me?” He looks to me. “You did what?”

  I look over to Brian. “Guess we aren’t going to play nice tonight?”

  He just shrugs. “Just keeping it real dad.”

  Derek raises his eyebrows at me. “Wait, you’re being serious?” He looks over to me again. “You really slept with your son’s girlfriend.”

  I clench my teeth and grit out. “Ex-girlfriend.”
r />   Brian laughs. “We just broke up tonight!”

  “Not in her eyes.” I feel the need to defend her even if they aren’t exactly talking bad about her. I don’t want Derek to think she cheated on Brian.

  Derek looks at me like he needs more explanation. “She came to my room that night after she saw a video of you basically fucking your ex girlfriend on the dance floor. What was I supposed to do? Say no?”

  “Yes!” They both shout in unison.

  I slam my fist down on the bar. “I couldn't!”

  I look over to Brian, and he doesn’t look angry. He actually almost looks smug like he got me to admit something I shouldn’t have. I need him to understand how I feel about Caroline if I have any shot of convincing her to be with me, so I run my hand down my face and mumble. “It’s her.”

  They both just stare at me in confusion for a second, and then it’s as if realization dawns on them at the same time. Brian is the first to speak. “Caroline is pinball girl?”

  I nod as I remember the first time I told Brian about Caroline.

  We hadn’t seen each other in a while, and I needed to get my mind off the girl from last night. I told him to meet me at Charlie’s, and we had a couple of drinks. Of course, Derek dished all about how he caught me with some girl in the back room the night before. “Sorry not sorry. This was the girl of my dreams.”

  Brian laughed. “The girl of your dreams huh? When do I get to meet my new step mom?”

  I was even more mad the next day that I didn’t get her number. What if I never see her again? “As soon as I can figure out how to track her down. Derek over here won’t give me the info off her credit card. Says something about the right to privacy or some bullshit.”

  Derek laughed. “You know even if I didn’t care about that, you’d come off as a total stalker if you somehow used the name on her credit card to track her down. Trust me. I’m doing you a favor.” I rolled my eyes at him. “I wasn’t going to tell her. Just figure out where she hangs out or something and hopefully bump into her.”

  Brian and Derek both made fun of me for that. I’d never really had a serious relationship after Brian’s mom, and so it wasn’t like me to act that way. Brian just patted me on the back. “Sorry dad. Seems your dream girl wasn’t that interested in you.”

  I come back to the present and Brian is smiling at me funny. “What?”

  “What are you doing here?” He gestures around the bar. “You need to go after your dream girl.”

  I shake my head. “She told me she needed tonight to think. Besides, I still don’t have any way to contact her. That woman loves running out on me without leaving her number.”

  Brian laughs. “At least you have her name this time. You figure out where she likes to hang out so you can casually bump into her.” He mocks. I just glare back at him.

  “Alright! Alright. Geez, you don’t have to give me the death glare. In fact, I might just be your savior tonight. I just so happen to maybe have a certain pinball girl’s number in my phone.”

  I shake my head. “I don’t know. I don’t want to push her away. She would’ve give me her number if she wanted me to contact her.

  Brian shrugs. “Well, I can text her then.”

  I raise my eyebrow at him in question. He shrugs again. “What? We’re friends now.”

  Of course Caroline has already forgiven Brian and is his friend now. I wouldn't expect anything less from her. God I miss her.

  “So what happened between you guys anyway? She realize she doesn’t want your shriveled old man dick?”

  Derek laughs, and I glare at them both. “I don't think there were any complaints in that department.”

  Brian covers his ears with his hands. “Gross dad. Don’t want to know.”

  “Hey, you’re the one who brought it up.” I shoot back at him.

  Derek laughs. “Your dad has a point.”

  Brian just shrugs again. “So? What was it then?”

  “We ran into your mom downtown. She introduced herself as my wife. Caroline took off before I could explain.”

  Brian cringes. “Hey Derek, can you give us a second?”

  Derek nods. “Sure, I’m going to do some inventory. Holler if anyone needs anything.”

  Once Derek walks away, I turn to Brian. “I’m sorry about earlier. I know you probably didn’t understand at the time, but I thought I was going to lose her. I still might. I don’t know. Anyway, my point is I crossed a line with you, and I regret that.”

  Brian gives a half smile. “It’s okay dad. If I'd known Caroline was pinball girl, I never would have punched you.”

  I laugh. “Thanks, but I probably deserved it.”

  He doesn’t argue with that.

  “So you said she needed time to think tonight. Then what? Are you meeting tomorrow?”

  I shake my head and take a sip of my drink. “I hope so.”

  Brian smiles. “If I can make sure she shows up tomorrow, what are you going to do to win her back?”

  I smile back at him. “Whatever it takes.”

  Chapter 14


  We’re on our second movie now, and I am feeling pretty tipsy from all of the wine. My phone pings with a text message, and my heart rate picks up. Why am I hoping it’s Dean? That doesn’t even make sense. He doesn’t even have my number, but since I am here with Ally and Jessica who are usually the one’s who text me the most, I just got hopeful that maybe he got my number from Brian or something.

  I see Brian’s name on the screen and show my phone to Ally to show her he is texting me. She immediately pauses the movie, so we can all see what he has to say. Both girls lean in close to take a look

  Ally pipes up. “He already begging for you to take him back?”

  I laugh and roll my eyes. “God. I hope not.”

  I open the text message and read out loud so Ally and Jessica know what he said.

  Brian: Don’t worry about my dad being married. It’s not like it seems.

  P.S. I’ll be staying at Jason’s tomorrow night, so my dad will be all by his lonely sad self tomorrow. *wink emoji*

  Ally squeals. “Alright maybe this Brian kid ain’t so bad after all.” She pauses and then excitedly adds. “But I still get to be the one to tell him you’re going to be his mommy when Dean proposes.”

  I laugh. “Proposes? God Ally. We’ve only been on one real date.”

  “Trust me. I have a sense about these things.”

  Jessica laughs and adds. “I don’t have a sense about these things and even I agree with her.” She sticks her thumb out toward Ally.”

  Ally grins, satisfied someone is agreeing with her.

  “Besides what else do you need to know? You’ve already slept together, lived together, you know his son probably better than he does, and you even already found out about his secret wife. I’d say you know Dean more after that one date than I knew any of my past boyfriends.”

  I laugh and roll my eyes at her. “A lot of those past boyfriends did only last one date.”

  We all laugh as Ally just throws her hands up. “What can I say?”

  Jessica adds. “But for real though Care. If Brian is okay with you dating his dad, why not? Isn’t that the only real reason holding you back? You obviously like him or you never would have risked sleeping with him in the first place. That was out of character for you.”

  I didn’t even think about what Brian’s text meant. He is okay with me dating his dad. In fact, it sounds like he is encouraging it. If what Brian says about the marriage not being what it looks like is true, then there is no reason I can't date Dean.

  I squeeze the couch pillow and squeal. “Oh my gosh you guys! I think I might be dating an older man!”

  Ally yells out “Woohoo!” and pulls me up to my feet and we all start jumping around in circles, hugging and squealing and giggling. Wow, we really are drunk. We all fall back down onto the couch and laugh. Ally suddenly yells out. “Oh! Oh! I know let’s send him a dirty picture to let
him know things are back in business!”


  “What? Not like a nude. Just something sexy but tasteful. Get him revved up for tomorrow.”

  I laugh. “I don’t know if I want him revved up tomorrow.”

  The idea does intrigue me though. How many glasses of wine have I had?

  Ally bolts up off the couch. “C’mon! We have those lingerie samples from the conference last week.” I shake my head. I can’t believe I’m actually agreeing to this, but I text Brian back.

  Me: Can I have Dean’s number?

  Brian: Dean? Oh god... Remember when you kept calling him Mr. Douglas?

  Me: Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. Are you going to give me his number or what?

  Brian: You were never that kinky when we were together *wink emoji* What do you need his number for? You trying to send him a dirty pic?

  Me: You got Ally’s apartment tapped?

  Brian: Oh god. Please don’t tell me I was right about the pic. He’s still my dad. *puke emoji*

  Me: Give me his number and you don’t have to find out.

  Brian sends me his dad’s number and threatens to block my number if I give him any more details.

  The girls and I spend the next hour doing my hair and makeup and trying on the different outfits they got for free at their last conference. No wonder Ally attracts so many guys when she has this much sexy underwear. Her marketing firm definitely has its perks.

  We take about 100 pictures and finally settle on a couple to send him.

  First, I just send a picture of my fingers holding the outfit.

  Me: A little preview of what’s to come if you can come up with a good enough reason for me.

  A few minutes later my phone dings and we all squeal. “What’d he say?” Ally yells out.

  Dean: I think you have the wrong phone number.

  We all laugh. “He doesn’t even know it’s me. Is he kidding around? I thought I made it pretty obvious.” An idea comes to me. “Oh I know just what to say.”

  I go to send the next picture. Ally is surprisingly good at taking dirty pictures. I think past experience might have something to do with that.