Room 452
Room 452
T.L. Quinn
Copyright © 2021 T.L. Quinn
All rights reserved
The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.
No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.
ISBN-13: 9798540227506
Title Page
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
About The Author
Books By This Author
Chapter 1
“Welcome everyone!” My dad’s voice booms through the mic coming from the small stage in the event hall. “I know this is a work conference, but I just want to tell everyone that this week is about fun and relaxation. A reset if you will.” He raises his glass in the air. “So everyone, please drink up and let’s get this week started off with a bang!”
The DJ begins playing the music again, and some employees wander back to the dance floor while the rest crowd the bar and buffet tables. Only at my dad’s company would the CEO decide on a whim that he wanted to book a week long vacation at a resort in Mexico for the whole local division staff, and only at this same company would pretty much every single employee be able to make it.
The staff at Excelsis eats, sleeps, and breathes work. None of us have lives outside the job. It’s because of things like this. This trip. I never thought I’d end up working at my dad’s company, but honestly it’s like no other company out there, and trust me, I tried going to other places.
It’s why my dad’s company still remains successful year after year even when the economy is down. He treats his employees like they are family, and not like how most companies say their employees are family. Like an actual family. As in he actually does regular raises and bonuses, books spontaneous vacation trips and team bonding events, and starts employees at five weeks of vacation. You know the things that actually matter in a job. Not just a pizza party after everyone worked their tails off for six months straight.
It’s funny really because Excelsis has one of the best available work-life balances out there, but most of the employees choose to spend more time at work because that is their life. It’s not only all the extravagant perks though. My dad is a unique soul. Doesn’t give a fuck about what anyone thinks.
“Oh! One more thing!” My dad shouts through the mic. “We don’t need anyone leaving this trip uptight, so for fuck’s sake everybody better find someone and get laid!”
The whole room erupts in cheers as people shout and raise their glasses in the air. Okay, so maybe everyone has already been drinking for a good portion of the night, but even if we were all sober, everyone would probably react the same way. We’ve come to expect these kinds of antics from my dad.
Todd laughs as he leans in closer to me. “You think we can make daddy proud? I’ll slip you my room key.” He winks at me.
Todd is basically like my best work friend. We flirt constantly and have shared a kiss or two over the years at different events like this. I just never took things all the way with him. I’m not exactly sure why. He’s hot enough. Fit, good head of hair, killer smile.
Oh, what the hell. I’m not seeing anyone right now. Not even casually. It’s been long enough since I’ve got any. I give Todd a seductive smile. “It’s only the first night. What fun would that be? How are you going to seduce me?” I smile as I walk my fingers up his chest.
He bites his lip between his teeth. “I’ll do whatever it takes.”
The alcohol may be talking a little, but I don’t care. I feel good. So good in fact that I’m going to go grab another drink to keep this buzz going. “I’ll be back. You want anything from the bar?”
Our co-worker Craig walks over to us and hands Todd a drink. “Here’s that beer.”
I fake offense. “You didn’t bring me anything?” I joke as I walk away toward the bar. “Be back in a second.” I call out to both guys.
I take a seat at the bar and smile at the bartender. I mean, I have to keep my options open, and I love the sexy, local vibe he has going as he shakes the drink and then pours it. I flip my hair over my shoulder and give him my sexiest smile when I suddenly feel a chill wash over me.
I feel a presence beside me. I know who it is even before I look. It’s like he carries a cloud of assholeness around him. “Sawyer.” I grit out without turning toward him.
“B.” He spits back as he leans up against the bar.
I finally look his way. “It’s Blake.” I correct him for the millionth time.
He gives me that devilish grin of his. “I know, but I don’t want to accidentally slip when I want to call you that other B word. You know, as in bitc-.”
“Fuck off.” I cut him off.
He orders a drink from the bar and then turns back toward me. “You know I’m just trying to defend my man Todd’s honor after you keep stringing the poor soul along for all these years. He’s like a lost, sad puppy dog pining after you.”
I reach for my glass and gulp down a few more sips. I’ll need it if I have to deal with him any longer. “Don’t pretend you are friends with Todd. Besides, you don’t know what Todd and I do.”
Sawyer chuckles. “Oh please. The man looks like he walks around with a stick up his ass. He definitely hasn’t gotten laid recently.”
“Ha! Don’t pretend you can tell if someone got laid based on how they look.” I respond.
He smiles at me as he grabs his drink from the bar. “I said by how they walk.” He smirks as he walks away confident as fuck, and Jesus, he definitely looks like he’s been laid recently. The man oozes sex. If I didn’t hate his guts, I’d climb that man like a tree.
He’s tall enough to climb, and strong enough to support you once you’re up there. Darkish hair, longer on top and shorter on the sides. Piercing blue eyes that glisten like he’s fucking blessed by God. High cheekbones and a sexy as fuck jaw line that’s usualy covered in a little scruffle. Killer smile that knocks you off your feet. He’s like the perfect mix of boy-next-door and dangerous asshole.
I hate myself for following after him, but it’s like my body couldn’t stop itself. “What are you even doing here?” I spit out at him.
He grins as he spins back around like he knew I wouldn’t let him walk away. “I work here.”
I place my hand on my hip. “Like you’re going to do team bonding?” I ask sarcastically.
Sawyer’s eyes follow a girl’s ass who just walked by, and then he turns back to me. “I’m sure there will be some form of bonding going on.” He says seductively.
I roll my eyes and turn back around to head back toward Todd. Sawyer follows behind me now. “I’ll gladly take Todd’s place. Just say the word, B.”
I stop in my tracks and stare back at him. “If you have to be here, why don’t you go find some local girls with no standards and hang out with them the rest of the week. You know, for the sake of the team. I’m sure you can find some way to manipulate them into wanting you around just like you are good at.”
Sawyer started working for my dad’s company six months ago. I mean, if that’s what you want to call it. He basically left my dad no choice
in hiring him for twice the salary that all the other sales guys make. He forced his hand.
The only time my dad’s company was ever in trouble was when Sawyer was working for our biggest competitor Royal Tech. One by one, Sawyer was able to steal our customers away. For all his faults, he’s an amazing salesperson, and I guess I do understand the appeal. Why they can’t seem to see past his charm into the actual fucking asshole he is though is beyond me.
It wasn’t until he started playing dirty though that the real concerns started. He undercut our prices and promised things that his company never agreed to. The problem is that it worked. He’d bring in so many new customers that they’d make back whatever profit they lost with his deals. He’d find one example of a faulty product of ours and convince the customers to leave. My dad prides himself on having the best available products and quality control out there, so to have his name dragged through the mud by this arrogant jerk was so fucking unfair.
The company may have been able to handle it normally, but my dad and myself were both too distracted at the time. My mom was back in rehab again. It was worse that time than ever before. I try not to think about it. She hasn’t been a big part of my life in a long time, but she was still family and we had to deal with it. We still have to deal with it.
Eventually it became too much, and my dad was left with no choice but to offer Sawyer a job at his own company for an outrageous amount of money. Luckily, his last company was not smart enough to have him sign a non-compete contract. It’s not even about the money though, it’s the way Sawyer acts. Even though technically my dad is still the boss, Sawyer has all the power.
I think that’s the worst part for my dad. As much as he hated Sawyer when he was his competitor, it’s even worse now that he works for him because it feels like Sawyer holds all the cards. My dad rarely interacts with him. He only communicates with the sales manager, and then the manager communicates directly with Sawyer.
I continue walking back toward Todd and Craig, and Sawyer continues following me. “I know I said Todd looks like he needs to get laid, but I was wrong. It’s definitely you that needs to get some. Like I said, I’ll gladly volunteer to take Todd’s place.”
I laugh sarcastically. “Don’t group yourself as a substitute for Todd. You aren’t anywhere near his league.”
Sawyer never lets my insults phase him. He grins back. “What’s holding you back then, B? Put the man out of his misery.”
I scoff. “Todd’s a gentleman. He doesn’t fuck and tell. You don’t know anything about our relationship.”
Sawyer’s smile grows like he knows I’m full of shit. “Fifty bucks says you don’t fuck him by the end of this week.”
I make a disgusted sound. “How would you even confirm that, pervert?”
He winks at me. “I’ll accept a video recording.”
I roll my eyes and turn away from him as we walk up to Todd and Craig. Sawyer leans down and whispers in my ear from behind. “I won’t need it though. I’ll be able to tell by how you walk. Stick removed from ass and all.”
I know I shouldn’t let him get under my skin, but God dammit he always does. I walk over closer to Todd and wrap my arm around his back. He looks surprised as he looks down at me. “Hey, there she is.” He grins at me.
I smile at both guys. “How’s your rooms? Mine’s amazing!” I look up at Todd. “What’s your room number again?” I give him a sexy smile. “You know since the company booked the rooms, I can get a key to any one I want.” I say as I run my finger up his bicep.
Todd looks me over and bites his lip between his teeth. “Room 352. You’re welcome anytime.” He smirks back.
My eyes glance over to Sawyer unintentionally. I know that I put on that whole little show for him, but I mean, it was kind of like foreplay. I have this feeling I’m going to need it too. I don’t know why, but I just have this vibe that Todd wouldn’t want to spend the time revving me up. I don’t know why I think that, but he just gives me that feeling.
I grab Todd’s hand. “C’mon let’s get a snack. I’m going to need some food if I’m going to have enough energy for tonight.” I smirk at him as I pull him away from Sawyer and Craig.
The moment we are far enough away that they can no longer hear us, I drop the excessive flirting act. I feel horrible for that, but honestly, without trying to prove a point to Sawyer, Todd feels more like a friend than a lover. There’s no passion between us. Maybe I’m too much in my head about him. I just need to relax and let our chemistry flow.
I stop him mid-conversation because I honestly don’t even know what we were talking about. “Want to dance?” I ask.
He gives a nervous chuckle. “I can try. I don’t really know how to dance.”
If we don’t spice things up now, there’s no chance we’ll end up sleeping together. I grab his hand and pull him towards the dance floor. The music is loud, and I laugh as I dance around him. He doesn’t really know how to dance, but that’s okay because I mostly take the lead.
Todd finally pulls me close during the third song. He grips my hips from behind as we sway to the music, and I can finally picture what our bodies would feel like entangled together. It only lasts a moment though as Craig approaches us both. “I think I’m going to be sick. Is the room spinning?”
It’s obvious he’s had too much to drink. Todd laughs. “Oh boy. I better get this one back to his room for the night.” He takes a step back from me and smiles. “Will I see you later?”
I smile back. “How long is it going to take to tuck Craig in?”
He laughs as he takes another step back, following Craig. “Twenty minutes tops.”
I’m about to walk off the dance floor when Todd grabs a guy’s arm. “Hey, fill in for me while I bring Craig back to his room. Keep an eye on her.” He says as he nods my way.
My eyes lock with Sawyer’s as Todd walks away. There’s no way I’m dancing with him. I turn around to leave on the other side of the dance floor, but Sawyer grabs my hand and whips my body back around to his.
My chest slams against his, and my breath catches in my throat. Before I have a chance to ask him what he’s doing, he spins me out and then back around so my back is to his front. His arms wrap around me as his body sways against mine.
His hands roam up and down my sides, and my body can’t help but give in to the rhythm. I feel the bass coursing through my blood as I move to the beat. Sawyer reaches his hands down, and they slide down my upper thighs. His mouth runs along my shoulder and then up my neck.
I hear the whimpering moan that escapes my lips, and that snaps me back to reality. I step forward and put distance between us. I must have had too many drinks. I turn around and face Sawyer and see that cocky smirk on his face. I don’t bother saying anything. I just walk away.
I glance back when I reach the edge of the dance floor and see Sawyer already talking to some other girl. I huff out a breath and order a water bottle from the bar this time. I chug some back when my dad walks up to me.
“Hey, how’s the trip going so far?” He asks.
I smile at him. “Great dad! This was an amazing idea.”
His smile grows. “I’m glad to hear it.” Then he frowns. “Was that Sawyer I saw you with?”
My smile drops. “Unfortunately he showed up.” Then I smile at him again. “Maybe we can have someone steal his passport, and we can leave him here.”
My dad laughs. “Now that’s the spirit!” He pats my back. “Don’t let me keep you. Go! Go have fun!”
I head back out to the dance floor and dance with a few more guys. The problem is I’m too horny after that dance with Sawyer. Fuck, why does that man have to mess with my head? I’m worried if I keep drinking and dancing with these strangers, I’ll end up doing something I’ll regret, so I grab another water and head out of the event hall to the resort lobby.
I try not to wobble in my heels as I make my way across the marble floor to the front desk, but the alcohol is doing nothing to improve my balance. I f
inally reach the counter and lean against it for support. I smile at the reception boy. “Hi there. One of our people got locked out of their room. Could you get me a new key?” I slide my ID across the counter. “Part of the Excelsis booking.”
He smiles at me. “Of course. Which room number?”
I pause and think for a second. What was Todd’s room? I smile back at him. “Uhm… Room 452.”
He quickly activates the card for me and slides it back across the counter. “Anything else?” He asks.
“No thanks.” I respond as I grab the key and turn back around toward the elevator. I fiddle with my dress as I ride the elevator back up to my room. What should I wear? I want something sexy but also not complicated.
I rummage through my suitcase looking for something to put on. I actually packed quite a few sexy items. I knew this trip was going to be more for pleasure than business, so I packed accordingly.
I settle on my black lacy bra and matching panty set. I grab my short black silk bathrobe and throw it on over top. I just have to get one floor down, so even though it’s not totally appropriate, I think I’ll be okay.
I run into the bathroom and brush my teeth and wash all my important parts before doing a quick touch up on my makeup. I take one last look at myself, and then I slip my room key and Todd’s room key into the front pocket of my bathrobe and peek out into the hall.
It’s nearing 2 a.m. now since I took awhile to get ready, so it seems most people have already gone to bed or are going to make it an all nighter because the hall is completely empty. I tip-toe over to the elevator and press the fourth floor. As the doors close, I start feeling jittery. Is this really a good idea? I’m already in the elevator in basically my underwear, so I guess there’s really no turning back now.
I peek out of the elevator when the doors open and don’t see anyone in this hall either. I quickly rush to the room, but I pause before I put the key in. What if he was joking about me coming to his room? I pause and think. No, he definitely wants me. I need to stop overthinking this. I go to put the key in again, but then I stop again. What if he’s not here? I shake my head to get a grip. That would actually work out better. I could get comfy in his bed and surprise him when he gets back.